Dependant Offsets

Dependant Offsets

From 1 July 2014 most dependent tax offsets will be abolished, including:

  • Dependent spouse offset
  • Zone tax offset
  • Overseas civilians tax offset
  • Overseas forces tax offset
  • Housekeeper offset

The new dependent (invalid & carer) tax offset was introduced during the 2013 financial year. Taxpayers who originally qualified for the offsets listed above may qualify for this newly created dependent offset.

This would affect defence force members who may have been stationed in remote areas such as Townsville. The Zone and Tax offset are marginal compared to the full tax benefits and would only cause a small amount of Change in the tax returns final calculations.

Any Defence force member who would have claimed the Dependent spouse offset in prior financial years will notice a sizable difference in the Tax returns as the Dependent Spouse Offset was quite large for some individuals.