Tax Treatment of Cryptocurrency

Tax Treatment of Cryptocurrency

Tax Treatment of Cryptocurrency

If you acquire or dispose of cryptocurrency, you need to be aware of the tax consiquences. Among other areas, the ATO will be scrutinising cryptocurrency exchanges in 2021 tax returns. Transations With Cryptocurrency .....

Small Business Tax Infrigments That Attract The ATO’s Attention

Small Business Tax Infrigments That Attract The ATO’s Attention

As we head into tax time, getting your tax return wrong can make you subject to some unwelcome scrutiny from the ATO.  This can be stressful and potentially expensive in terms of extra tax payable, interest and penalties. .....

Record Keeping

Record Keeping

Every year you are responsible for lodging a tax return. In order to be prepared, make sure that you have all of your tax records in place. Not having the right tax records when it comes to lodge your return could cost you money. .....

Contractor Vs Employee

Contractor Vs Employee

Most of us understand the simple distinction between contractors and employees: An employee works in someone else's business - the business controls how, where and when they do their work, pays them a wage and superannuation, leave and other entitlements.  A Contractor runs their business, pays the.....

The Australian Defence Force and the Australian Tax System

The Australian Defence Force and the Australian Tax System

There are a number of financial benefits available to ADF personnel when they complete their annual personal tax returns. Defence tax As a member of the Australian Airforce, Army or Navy it is likely that you will acquire some expenses over the course of each year relating to trai.....